" The State options for the Kurds in Iraq (Post-ISIS Stage) "


  • Hussein Mustafa Ahmed Nahrain University / College of Political Science
  • Khadr Abbas Atwan Nahrain University / College of Political Science




• Kurdish rights • Self-governance • Political representation • Economic development • National reconciliation


Abstract: The Kurds never cease to think about establishing a Kurdish state in the region, and the Kurdish leader, Masoud Barzani, aspires to make history as the first Kurdish leader to succeed in establishing a Kurdish state in the modern era. The Kurdish choice of establishing a state is not only based on the principle of the right of peoples to self-determination but also on the various circumstances and developments that have unfolded in the relationship between the center and the region after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. This extends to the ongoing developments in the region and the significant achievements of the Kurdistan Region in terms of construction, development, and progress on all levels. However, this does not mean ignoring the role of the regional factor, which historically opposed Kurdish aspirations for independence.

Perhaps the Kurds now see that within the Iraqi political scene and the overall developments in the region, there is a historic opportunity to make the Kurdish choice of establishing a state possible, based on the equation of politics and interests. This may be the reason behind the continuous affirmation of Kurdish leadership on this right, and behind it, the growing Kurdish political awareness of the statehood option.



How to Cite

Hussein Mustafa Ahmed, & Atwan, K. A. (2017). " The State options for the Kurds in Iraq (Post-ISIS Stage) ". Tikrit Journal For Political Science, 1(9), 41–58. https://doi.org/10.25130/tjfps.v1i9.113