" Federalism in contemporary political thought"


  • Abbas Latif Karim Iraqi University College of Law and Political Science




• federation • Administrative decentralization • Territories • democracy


The civilized world, especially after the Second World War, tended to expand the base of democracy in most regimes and to introduce decentralized administration, or rather to federalism in the exercise of governance over its people.

  The hallmark of the era is democracy, the rule of law, equality in rights and duties, and totalitarian rule has become shunned by peoples regardless of the justifications, especially in pluralistic societies, where several solutions have been proposed to the crisis of coexistence and protection of minorities, some of which were based on international guarantees and others on internal guarantees stemming from the adoption of federalism The structure of the state, and the adoption of the federal system has received increasing attention around the world during the second half of the last century, as there are now more than (24) countries in which the basic features of the federation are clear, and the distinguishing feature of this popularity that federalism is witnessing in the world at the present time , is that the application of federalism has taken very diverse patterns and new and innovative forms have emerged with it, and the political reasons for the existence of the federal system lie in the reconciliation achieved by this system between two contradictory tendencies: unity and difference or diversity, by ensuring coexistence between two types of interests: public interests For the group of the united group, and the special interests of the constituent elements of this group, because it is a system that aims to satisfy the general needs of the whole united group, and is entrusted with it This task is left to the federal authorities, but at the same time he leaves it to his regional units to satisfy the needs that may differ from one unit to another.




How to Cite

Abbas Latif Karim. (2022). " Federalism in contemporary political thought". Tikrit Journal For Political Science, 3(29), 253–270. https://doi.org/10.25130/tjfps.v3i29.160