International and regional competition in the Southeast Asian region


  • dr.hadeel hadrbi Al-Nahrain University, College of Political Science, Department of International Politics



The research deals with the strategic competition in the Southeast Asian region, and the extent to which the policies of international and regional parties adapt to that competition and its developments, especially between the United States and China. The focus will be on the competition between the United States and its allies on the one hand, and China and its allies on the other hand in the Southeast Asian region. In terms of the reality and future of this competition, which could at one time turn into a type of conflict over this region due to the intertwining of political, military, and economic interests between the competing powers



How to Cite

dr.hadeel hadrbi. (2024). International and regional competition in the Southeast Asian region. Tikrit Journal For Political Science, 1(34), 165–198.