Iran's Regional Relations after 2000 (Arab States as a Model)"


  • Abdalhamidِ Al Eed Al-Moussawi Center for Strategic and International Studies



Relations between Iran and the Arab countries have seen a real fluctuations ranging from support, if not the coalition to tension limit the severance of diplomatic relations, and then the war, since the success of the Islamic revolution in Iran, and fears of the spread of Shiism, and export it to neighboring Arab countries, which are dominated by Sunnis. If the Iranian politics before the Islamic revolution has been characterized Bastbdadah Shah (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi), the leader of the pro-Western, this policy after the Islamic revolution had known Jdida.ovi turning point of this study to review these policies in the two pre-Revolution and Beyond two sections.



How to Cite

Abdalhamidِ Al Eed Al-Moussawi. (2023). Iran’s Regional Relations after 2000 (Arab States as a Model)". Tikrit Journal For Political Science, 3(3), 42–64.