" Stages of the development of the Russian strategy from collapse to restoration of status and role
• Russia • Russian strategy • Vladimir Putin • Putin principle • Bruce YeltsinAbstract
The Russian strategy, like other strategies of major countries, was characterized by change, both in terms of internal and external trends, which was linked to the succession of the ruling elites in the country, in addition to the changing regional and international conditions that contributed greatly to making these changes more urgent. During the nineties, Russia witnessed internal unrest as a result of The shock that followed the collapse, in addition to the difference in my views between the intellectual and ideological currents about the general orientations of the Russian strategy, which is what caused the decline in Russia's international standing, as a result of retreating inward to build itself amid the oscillation between the Westernization and Eurasian trend, which was decided with the advent of the current Russian president. Vladimir Putin" to power in 1999 in what is known as the "Putin Doctrine".