The role of political thought in the theoretical construction of political concepts - theoretical study –


  • Muhammad Hazim Hamid Mosul University / College of Political Science
  • Fayez Saleh Mahmoud Al-Lahibi Mosul University / College of Political Science



The Political Concepts have major important in life for their directing for idea and behavior and they are the key for political science and theoretical building for them, that means the limiting of their meanings and terms are product of political idea, as have great role and impact in procedure of theoretical building of concepts according to the civilization and culture and vision for human and world and life to be agreed with them.

As the social sciences, Particularly the science of Political characters with civilization and mental specialty for their origination from civilized and cultural frame for nation.



How to Cite

Hamid , M. H., & Mahmoud Al-Lahibi , F. S. (2023). The role of political thought in the theoretical construction of political concepts - theoretical study –. Tikrit Journal For Political Science, 4(8), 3–34.