The role of the United Nations in employing sport in the field of achieving sustainable development


  • AYA GHANIM كلية العلوم السياسية- جامعة بغداد
  • Dr. Enas A. Ali Baghdad University / College of Political Science




Since its inception, the United Nations has undertaken the responsibility of adopting many goals and programs that seek to achieve development in various political, economic, social, cultural and other fields in various countries of the world. It has also established the implementation of these goals and programs on the ground by relying on whatever means possible and developing strategies for This matter. The issue of the United Nations approach to using sport in its various forms in order to achieve sustainable development at the local and global levels does not arise. It has only worked to employ the sporting tool, with the various aspects it includes, and the organizations and federations that it is based on, directly or indirectly, in order to Embodying the sustainable development goals approved by the United Nations on the ground and benefiting societies and countries from them.



How to Cite

GHANIM, A., & Dr. Enas A. Ali. (2023). The role of the United Nations in employing sport in the field of achieving sustainable development. Tikrit Journal For Political Science, 4(33), 3–36.