"The Global System Transformations After the COVID-19 Pandemic (Political Transformations as a Model)"


  • Tamara Kadim Manati Al-Asadi Baghdad University / College of Political Science
  • Saad Obaid Alwan Baghdad University / College of Political Science




The global system has undergone important milestones that represented turning points in its course, represented by the end of the Cold War and the transformation of the system into unipolarity through the coronation of the United States of America as the only superpower in the world, then the events of September 11, 2001, which were a turning point and deviation for the system and an escalation in its military path after the outbreak of Global terrorism and its transformation into a major threat to the system, and finally the outbreak of the Corona virus and its transformation into a global pandemic, which has become one of the events that cause several transformations in the global system similar to major crises.

Therefore, the new world order is going through a phase of change and transition, as the Corona pandemic has sparked several shifts in the global system in the interactions of politics, economy and security, perhaps the most prominent of which is related to reformulating the roles of the national state, as we live today in a state of transformations in the global system due to the difficult pandemic. Read the transformation data that you will impose on the system.




How to Cite

Manati Al-Asadi , T. K., & Alwan, S. O. (2023). "The Global System Transformations After the COVID-19 Pandemic (Political Transformations as a Model)". Tikrit Journal For Political Science, 1(31), 193–216. https://doi.org/10.25130/tjfps.v1i31.44